Blog 12

Mark Boslough and Yo-Yo Ma both agree that science is something that is important in our society today. Boslough however, argues that government should give the sciences more funding than they do currently. He expresses that, “science is under attack by a budget-cutting Congress to whom dollars have measurable value but scientific knowledge does not.” Boslough does make a good point in “We Must Protect U.S. Investment in Scientific Knowledge” when he talks about the value of knowledge once again, “we should remind them that research spending is money in the bank, not money in a hole.” Yo-Yo Ma takes a different approach when talking about the sciences and argues that art should be incorporated into education “the values behind arts integration-collaboration, flexible-thinking, and disciplined imagination- lead to the capacity to innovate.” In my personal opinion, I absolutely agree with Yo-Yo Ma and think we should turn the STEM program into STEAM and incorporate the arts into education even if it takes a little away from the sciences because it is important to be able to think outside the box in order to form our own opinions.

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